Driving Anxiety Assessment

Driving Anxiety Assessment & Treatment Photo

Our Driving Anxiety program is a comprehensive assessment and treatment program designed to help people in overcoming their fears as a driver, passenger and a pedestrian. The program involves systematic desensitization in the car and in the office with the help of a Certified Driving Instructor and a skilled therapist. You will be taught coping skills, relaxation, safety training, defensive driving and education so that you can regain your confidence and feel relaxed and comfortable in all driving, passenger and pedestrian situations. You will also have the advantage of having our qualified staff in helping, assisting, working with you and giving you the support and encouragement you require in overcoming your fears.

We have:

– Highly experienced staff and prompt initial appointments.
– Insurance funding is provided if you have been in a car accident and our services are also covered under most Extended Health Coverage through your work.

We can:

– Teach you driving safety and increase your comfort in your vehicle.
– Assist with driving, passenger, and pedestrian avoidance, being near traffic, highways, parking, or crossing streets.

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“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson