Policies & Procedures

1 CONFIDENTIALITY: You may be assured that we will keep your sessions in the strictest of confidence, subject to legal limitations regarding danger to yourself, others, and child abuse.

2 PUNCTUALITY: Our schedules are tight, so please try to be on time. We will make every effort to see you promptly at your appointment time. Your consideration in being on time is greatly appreciated. Sessions begin at the appointment time and will be charged accordingly.

3 FEES: Individual fees are normally discussed prior to the initial appointment. You will be expected to pay for services at the end of each session. A session is approximately 45-50 minutes. For Motor Vehicle Accident clients, fees are directly charged and paid by the insurance company.

4 PAYMENT: In case of clients with extended health coverage for psychological services, we will provide you with a receipt, which will enable you to claim reimbursement from your insurance company. Regarding clients whose Automobile Insurance Company has approved and agreed to pay for services incurred, insurance companies will be billed directly.

5 CANCELLATION: 48 hours notice is expected for cancelled appointments; more if possible. I will try to fill cancellations if enough notice is provided. Clients may be charged for appointments cancelled without adequate notice.

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“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson