Social Work Assessment

A Social Work Assessment is an interview process where a Clinical Social Worker ascertains the presenting problem and the environmental factors (relationships, family, work life), medical factors, and psychological factors that affect this problem. This is also known as a “bio-psycho-social” assessment. This assessment is used to determine if Social Work intervention and counselling will be appropriate and helpful to the client. This assessment gives the Social Worker an excellent base of knowledge to use to ensure that the treatment provided is specific to the individual client. By ensuring that the Social Worker has detailed information, the client receives the best treatment possible for his or her situation.

After the Social Work Assessment, treatment may be recommended. Interventions include psychotherapy techniques such as Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, life skills training, family counselling, social rehabilitation counselling, financial counselling, and/or employment counselling. The modes used are determined by the presenting problem and its implications on the client’s life. The focus of treatment is usually centered on helping the client reintegrate into his or her life, particularly the client’s relationships, family life, and employment. By encouraging a return to a well-rounded life, the Social Worker helps the client find ways to cope with the presenting problem and the various areas of life it affects.

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“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson